沙特阿拉伯在最新一次缉毒行动中缴获 140 万片 Captagon 药片 Adam Lucente In New York City, reporting on regional news, militancy, climate change
Analysis 随着黎巴嫩和加沙局势的恶化,以色列的停火协议是否濒临破裂? Ben Caspit In Tel Aviv, reporting on national security, Israeli politics, defense
叙利亚教育部长澄清课程改革引发众怒:需要了解什么 Adam Lucente In New York City, reporting on regional news, militancy, climate change
唯一竞争者沙特阿拉伯赢得 2034 年世界杯主办权:我们所知道的情况 Jennifer Gnana In Dubai, reporting on Gulf energy policy and politics
阿联酋的 Sheikh Tahnoon 在美国与 Jeff Bezos、Elon Musk 讨论人工智能和技术 Jack Dutton In Bristol, reporting on regional business, climate change, AI, tech
Exclusive 沙特财政大臣暗示沙特有望提前实现 2030 年可再生能源目标 周一,沙特王国投入使用其电网中规模最大的电池储能系统,其容量为 500 兆瓦,可储存 2,000 兆瓦时的电力。 由 Jack Dutton In Bristol, reporting on regional business, climate change, AI, tech
世界经济论坛:阿萨德倒台后阿拉伯企业“非常热衷”在叙利亚投资 Jack Dutton In Bristol, reporting on regional business, climate change, AI, tech
Exclusive 阿联酋外贸部长泽尤迪预计 2024 年贸易增长 14%:采访 Jack Dutton In Bristol, reporting on regional business, climate change, AI, tech
Analysis 随着 2030 愿景期限和世界杯临近,沙特借贷热潮加速 Samuel Wendel In Washington, DC, reporting on regional business and tech
特朗普回归前,库什纳的沙特支持基金签署了一系列交易 Jack Dutton In Bristol, reporting on regional business, climate change, AI, tech