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Kürt sorununda yol haritası yolunu kaybediyor

PKK barış sürecinin en önemli ayağı olan silahlı unsurları Türkiye’den çekme planını durdurdu. “Ateşkes sürecek” dense de hükümetin 2014 seçimine dek reformlar konusunda ciddi adım atmayacağı öngörüsü nedeniyle barış namlunun ucunda.

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters walk on the way to their new base in northern Iraq May 14, 2013. The first group of Kurdish militants to withdraw from Turkey under a peace process entered northern Iraq on Tuesday, and were greeted by comrades from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), in a symbolic step towards ending a three-decades-old insurgency. The 13 men and women, carrying guns and with rucksacks on their backs, arrived in the area of Heror, near Metina mountain on the Turkish-Iraqi border, a Reu

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