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Military correspondent Alon Ben David: Israel cannot destroy Iranian nuclear know-how 

Ben Caspit hosts this week Alon Ben David, the senior military analyst for Channel 13 news. Ben David says that "in 2012 Israel abandoned practicing and preparing for a viable military option [to attack Iran]. Netanyahu was responding to requests made by the American administration at the time. Now the Israeli army is back to doing what it should have done long ago, namely preparing an option to be presented for the Israeli decision-makers." Still, he emphasizes that Israel’s military options vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear program are very, very limited. "The ability to launch a strike that would stop the Iranian nuke program, like the strike in Iraq in 1981 or the strike in Syria in 2007, is almost non-existent."


-Israel still fears US approach to Iran - Al-Monitor

-Israel stands alone on Iran - Al-Monitor

-Lapid’s Washington visit brings Israel little assurance on Iran - Al-Monitor