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Idlib opens first zoo

A zoo featuring both wild and domestic animals has opened in Idlib as part of a larger project to restore normal amenities to the war-torn region of Syria.
Idlib zoo

The northern parts of Syria, away from the demarcation lines and fighting, have recently seen attempts at urban planning, including industrial and tourist facilities. The first public park in Idlib was inaugurated Nov. 18, including a zoo, as part of a series of recreational projects across the city.

Youssef al-Sayyed, the director of the newly opened zoo, said that the park also includes an amusement park and a restaurant. "Although we brought a large number of animals, we decided to exhibit them in several steps in order to keep the residents in suspense," he said. The zoo is seeking a license from Turkey to add other animals from countries such as Ukraine. Currently, he said, the zoo includes "lions, tigers, monkeys, ostriches, and a large number of birds. They were brought from Iraq and Turkey, and at a later stage there will be Siberian tiger, deer, llama, timor, and giraffes.”

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