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Things are going to get tougher’ in US-Turkey relations, says Amberin Zaman

Al-Monitor Senior Correspondent Amberin Zaman discusses why US-Turkey relations are unlikely to get better; the Kurdish question in Turkey, Iraq and Syria; why an Israel-Turkey rapprochement is not imminent; and her new role as the other host of 'On the Middle East'….also Andrew’s take on Hamas and Egypt’s vital role in regional peace efforts. Israel side-eyes Turkish offers of friendship as Ankara shelters Hamas ( KRG asks US forces to deploy along Kurdish-controlled part of Iraqi-Syrian border ( Hamas scrambles for relevance in post-normalization Middle East (

Al-Monitor Senior Correspondent Amberin Zaman discusses why US-Turkey relations are unlikely to get better; the Kurdish question in Turkey, Iraq and Syria; why an Israel-Turkey rapprochement is not imminent; and her new role as the other host of 'On the Middle East'….also Andrew’s take on Hamas and Egypt’s vital role in regional peace efforts.