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Episode #118: Uproot in Beirut (feat. Ghalia al-Alwani)

Massive demonstrations have broken out in Lebanon’s major cities for the past few weeks, where protesters’ frustrations with economic woes and government corruption have boiled over into the streets. Lebanon’s seen protests before, so what makes these so unique? What are the protesters demanding, and what’s been conceded so far? Phil and Cooper answer these questions and more, along with insight from Al-Monitor contributor Ghalia al-Alwani, who’s covering the protests from Beirut. Lebanon’s protests continue to gain momentum (Nicholas Frakes) Lebanon protests also bring Syrians, Palestinians out onto the streets (Ghalia al-Alwani) Will Hezbollah ride or face Lebanon’s uprising? (Joe Macaron) Amid Lebanon’s ongoing protests, army finds itself caught in the middle (Michal Kranz) After unprecedented shutdown, Lebanon’s banks reopen, mitigate nationwide panic (Victoria Yan) As Lebanese PM lays out reform package, protesters demand more (Michal Kranz) Extra Listening: Episode #30,   Saad, Blink Twice If You Need Help (11/8/2017): Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri is ostensibly held captive in Saudi Arabia and forced to resign his leadership. Music: Wake Island - “Lil Thawra” (  Spotify |   Apple Music)

Massive demonstrations have broken out in Lebanon’s major cities for the past few weeks, where protesters’ frustrations with economic woes and government corruption have boiled over into the streets. Lebanon’s seen protests before, so what makes these so unique? What are the protesters demanding, and what’s been conceded so far? Phil and Cooper answer these questions and more, along with insight from Al-Monitor contributor Ghalia al-Alwani, who’s covering the protests from Beirut.

Extra Listening:

Music: Wake Island - “Lil Thawra” (  Spotify |   Apple Music)