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Episode #112: En-voyage (feat. Yousef Munayyer & Danny Zaken)

President Trump’s foreign policy circle shrunk a little more this week, with National Security Advisor John Bolton getting the boot. But the other less-talked-about announcement was the resignation of Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s appointed envoy for the “deal of the century” - the long-awaited Israel-Palestine peace deal. Who is Greenblatt, what were his accomplishments, and what does it say about Trump’s foreign policy? And will it make a difference in crafting any sort of workable peace plan? Phil and Cooper discuss this and also get some perspectives from Yousef Munayyer (@YousefMunayyer) of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and Israel Pulse contributor Danny Zaken (@danizaken). Palestinians see Greenblatt resignation as sign of failure for US Mideast vision  (Daoud Kuttab) Will Greenblatt’s resignation hurt Netanyahu?  (Danny Zaken) Extra Listening: Episode #105, Bahrain Drain (7/12/2019): Jared Kushner releases the first portion of the Israeli-Palestinian “deal of the century” - an economic “peace and prosperity” platform - but it didn’t get the response they were looking for. Music: Skinny - “Never Snitch” (Spotify  |  Apple Music)

President Trump’s foreign policy circle shrunk a little more this week, with National Security Advisor John Bolton getting the boot. But the other less-talked-about announcement was the resignation of Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s appointed envoy for the “deal of the century” - the long-awaited Israel-Palestine peace deal. Who is Greenblatt, what were his accomplishments, and what does it say about Trump’s foreign policy? And will it make a difference in crafting any sort of workable peace plan? Phil and Cooper discuss this and also get some perspectives from Yousef Munayyer (@YousefMunayyer) of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and Israel Pulse contributor Danny Zaken (@danizaken).

Extra Listening:

  • Episode #105, Bahrain Drain (7/12/2019): Jared Kushner releases the first portion of the Israeli-Palestinian “deal of the century” - an economic “peace and prosperity” platform - but it didn’t get the response they were looking for.

Music: Skinny - “Never Snitch” (Spotify  |  Apple Music)