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Saudi Arabia leads AI global index for strategy as Israel tops Mideast rankings

Saudi Arabia topped the global chart for AI government strategy, which measures the depth of national spending commitments and strategies, while other Middle East and North Africa (MENA) states lagged further behind, beginning in 23rd place.

This illustration photograph taken in Helsinki on June 12, 2023, shows an AI (Artificial Intelligence) logo blended with four fake Twitter accounts bearing profile pictures apparently generated by Artificial Intelligence software. Researchers call them the "American blondes" bright-eyed environment-lovers tweeting passionately in support of the UAE and its handling of the forthcoming COP28 climate summit. The only problem? They are not real. Ben, Brianna, Emma, Caitlin and Chloe exude optimism about the rol
This illustration photograph taken in Helsinki on June 12, 2023, shows an AI (Artificial Intelligence) logo blended with four fake Twitter accounts bearing profile pictures apparently generated by Artificial Intelligence software. — LIVIER MORIN/AFP via Getty Images

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